Monday, November 11, 2019
The Heart Aroused
To use this word in the context of my own life and ally work Is definitely possible, but would be difficult, I think that destiny Is an extremely strong word that is not in enough people's vocabularies. I would say that the most common occasion that I hear this word is in the context of the phrase â€Å"you control your own destiny†. In my opinion, as click as this sounds, It Is very true and highly effective. Yes, destiny is a predetermined series of events, but you can still have a hand in with happens to your destiny. For example, the harder you work at something, the luckier you will get.People allow â€Å"barriers†In life to prevent them room achieving goals, instead of moving further down their journey in life. Q. How do I bring into my work the questions about my own destiny that enliven, embolden, and perhaps even scare me a little? What questions do I need to ask secretly and alone and what questions need support and conversation? A. As a student currently in college, I hold a large amount of power in my life, and what Is ahead of me. Obviously, I would like to someday have a job that I absolutely love and enjoy. But, this is not always easy.It is right now in my life that I must ask myself questions such as, â€Å"how doll want to live my life when I am older? Or â€Å"what lob will I be willing to put all of my heart and soul Into? â€Å". These questions are what I will attempt to base my studies and further learning upon. It is very scary to think about the future and what it will bring. Currently, I have absolutely no idea what I will be doing In the next five years. Yes, I have plans to graduate college and get a masters degree all in the next four years, but after that the road is open.I have no idea what I will be doing for a career, where I will be living, or who I will be friends with. I must work hard and carefully and be sure to make good decisions in the near true which will eventually lead me to destiny. Beowulf: Power a nd Vulnerability in the Workplace Q. What is my own equivalent of Grenade's mother? What clues or hints do I have as to what I find difficult to confront about myself? What are the things I find difficult to face about my own relationships to my work? What conversational waters must I enter that seem dark and fearful to me?What conversations are unspoken taboos in my organization? What is Grenade's mother for my organization? A. For something to be my own equivalent of Grenade's mother, it would have to be something I must overcome. It must be something I need to fight off to reach toys success. I would say Tanat my equivalent would De my coeducation. I Nils Is something that I must fight and work to overcome. Today, education is like a gateway to the rest of life. Without it, it is very difficult to go anywhere. If Beowulf did not kill Grenade's mother, he would have been killed, and his legend would not have continued on.There are many instances when I am not loyal to my work. I d o not put in nearly as much effort as I should. There are times when I only do enough to â€Å"get by', and I do not perform to my best ability. I need to begin to set goals to maximize my effort, which will allow me to defeat my equivalent to Grenade's mother. Q. Who are the people in the workplace with whom I can discuss matters of the heart? If I do not have a confidant in the workplace, where do I have the conversations that matter? A. For me, the workplace is the college environment.Luckily, I am surrounded with people that I can talk to about anything. First, I have my friends. These are people that I live with, and spends lot of time with. I feel comfortable talking with my closest friends about anything. Next are my professors. Although I am not real close with all of my professors, I definitely feel close enough to some of them that I can discuss matters of the heart. Fire in the Earth: Toward a Grounded Creativity Q. How often do I refuse the first steps towards my creati vity because I am not sure who will emerge at the other end?What are my favorite ways of sabotaging myself? What does â€Å"fire†feel like in my own life? When I think of my own creativity in my own flow, what days or hours of my life do I remember? If I could imagine my own creativity at full flow, how do I imagine or anticipate it would show itself? Having read the story of the Chinese potter at the end of the chapter, what is the work that would bake me to perfection? What is the part of myself that I have been holding back? A. Not a day goes by without me holding something back. There are far too many occasions when I find myself hiding from something.Sometimes in class I am afraid to share my views and ideas with the class because I am afraid of â€Å"sounding stupid†. I am refusing the first steps towards my creativity because I fear what is one the other side. I do not know what will happen. The results could be extremely positive or extremely negative. In my l ife, â€Å"fire†feels like the creativity I have once I release it. Once I finally let go, and allow myself to be free. There are certainly times in my life where I have done this. For example, I used to be the best artist in my art class. Yes, I was not displaying my creativity verbally, rather through artwork.This was my way of showing what creativity I have to offer. I think I shocked many of the students in the class because they were always so used to me holding it in. If I could see my creativity at full flow, I would be speaking constantly. Nothing would hold me back and I would be expressing all of my ideas. Fortunately, not only would this benefit me, but it would also benefit others. I think that this creativity that I tend to always hold back, if let out, would â€Å"bake me to perfection†. Fire in the Voice: Speaking Out at Work Q. What are the essential qualities conveyed by my voice?Is my voice strong enough to represent the inner core of my aspirations to the outer world? What are my mouse sounds? What are my lion sounds? Having read the story beginning this chapter, what story could I tell from my own life to illustrate a time I said Ten Instead AT Leer? How could I practice leaning my voice out Into my world Ana my aerospace more fully? How well do I say No to the things for which I do not have a Yes? When in my own life did No blossom into Yes? A. Voice is a very powerful tool that every individual in the world can potentially conquer. It is scary how influential one's voice can truly be.My voice at times can be loud, and other times can be awfully quiet. When chose to be quiet, I am not being myself. I am not allowing myself to open up be creative as spoken above. Unfortunately, only sometimes my voice can be strong enough to represent the inner core of my aspirations to the outer world. My mouse sounds are those used hen I am hiding, and not allowing myself to air out. For example, I use my mouse sounds when I let someone tal k down to me, and I do not fight back. My lion sounds are used when I will not take No for an answer, and I plead my case.There was one time where I also chose Ten instead of Zero. It was the end of the semester and I was rating one of my professors. I chose to Just give her all fives when she really deserved zeros. I did this because I was afraid of being the different one and possibly being questioned. I can hopefully someday learn to be able to say Zero, and backup my opinions. Finn and the Salmon of Knowledge: Innocence and Experience in Corporate America Q. How much of my day is spent trying to solve the problem and problems of life? How much of my day is spent attempting to live out the mystery of my existence?How much alone time do I give myself for this explanation? How much of my time with others am I truly present? A. There are always various problems in one's lifetime. As a result, I am spending most of my day trying to find solutions to these problems. In the workplace, one can have either experience or innocence in their voice. To have experience is to give in to hose with the authority. On the other hand, to have innocence in your voice is to make your own ways in the world no matter what the circumstances may be. Nobody really knows how alone they really are in the world.In contrary, there is no exact measurement of togetherness either. We must find a medium between the two that will allow us to balance the two. There are those times that you are physically with others, but are you truly present? Are you really completely in existence? I would say that most of the time I am with others, I am not really present. I am usually living inside my own brain, on my own and alone. Q. Taking this image of the orphan as a catalyst for my own thoughts, what would I want to claim as my true inheritance? By whom would I like to be raised? What is my lineage?Who are the people, writers, teachers, artists-?alive or dead-?who have both emboldened and steadied me ? What names would I shout out if confronted by Call Mac Con, so as to be recognized and not slain? A. My true inheritance is what I was brought up with. Because of my parents, I am who I am today. I was raised how they chose to raise and nurture me. In addition to them, I was raised also by those individuals close to me such as friends. Also, there were individuals in society such as teachers, music artists, political figures, and actors who have also steadied me.For example, I have had several teachers throughout my educational career that have strongly influence my inheritance. My favorite music artists and actors have also had a hand in making me who I am. There are political figures such as John F. Kennedy Ana Frankly D Roosevelt won nave Impacted my Tie. IT called upon Day call Mac con, I would shout from whom I am descended, where my strengths come from, and what kind of blood flows in my veins. Q. What does this story mean to me? How do I distinguish between passivity and fo llowing my heart's desires into the clearing?Do my strategic abilities serve me well or am I continually serving them? Do I believe I can have the life I want if only I can figure it out to be clever enough? What does it mean to love doing something? How much do I think I am stealing time when I am tending to the thing I love? How willing am I to place the people, places, and things I love first, not only in my home life, but in my work life too? How well have I preserved my innocence? A. This story to me, describes the importance of inheritance and lineage. In my life, I can be passive and Just sit back and relax. I can be uninvolved and not react to what is going on around me.On the other hand, I can follow my heart's desires and be all that I want to be. I must figure out what my strategic abilities are, and not serve them, rather they will serve me. To love doing something is to be passionate. To love something, you must be willing to put it first, before anything else. People c an love other people and people can also love places or things. To preserve one's innocence though, one must be able to put these things they love first. I can say that I have earned to do this pretty well. Coleridge and Complexity: Facing What is Sweet and What is Terrible Q.If I were asked to state the basic principles of my life in the simplest and clearest way possible, how would I articulate them? How much resemblance does my daily work like bear toward these principles? How well does my organization embody the things I deem most important? How do I remember these simple elements on a daily basis; what disciplines do I have for remembering them? How much quiet time do I make for myself in order to remember? A. My basic principles of my life are guidelines that I live my life by. These principles for me are honesty, respect, and love.Honesty is Just so important because being truthful is the best way to go. Lying is never a good strategy, no matter what the situation may be. Res pect is also very important to me because it is the best way to live life. When I respect others, I expect to be respected in return. Lastly, love is very important in life because everyone must admire something. Whether you love a person, place, or thing it is still very important to feel passionate about something. My daily work resembles these principles because I have learned how to live by them. I also hope that my organization deems my basic principles most important also.Throughout my lifetime, I have learned how to acknowledge these principles naturally and no longer need to discipline myself in order to remember. Q. How much time do I spend imagining? What does it mean to have faith in my own images? What is one abiding image inside me in which I could choose to have a faith? When chaos reigns around me, how do I react? What instinctual internal images could make a difference to my response? How do I work with others without forming a flock? A. I spend a lot of time imagini ng. It is my time to get away from what I am doing and not be â€Å"bounded by my office cubicle†.An imagination shows a different side of things, completely separate from the ordinary. To have faith in my own images, I must understand their meanings. When there is chaos, I use my Imagination to get away Ana Trot some Kina AT order . Nine Soul AT ten world: lower an Ecological Imagination Q. How much attention do I pay to the world around me? How self-preoccupied am I? Do I let anything in from the outside at all? How self-preoccupied is my organization? How do I see other people in my organization-?are they Just a boning backdrop to my own drama or doll really take time to see they have lives and destinies of their own?How much time do I spend in the natural world or environments outside the world of work that help me put my own struggles in perspective? A. I think that one must pay a large amount of attention to the world around him. Other individuals are Just as important as the actual being himself. Many problems can arise when someone is too self-preoccupied and does not value others around them. I think that one is too alone when he or she does not let anything in from the outside. Goals cannot be achieved when one is too self- reoccupied.Today, people are commonly self-preoccupied by their appearance, and reputation. In addition, my organization is also too self-preoccupied by the same things. They are too worried about what others think about them. My organization sees others outside of the environment as Just a moving backdrop to what lies inside. Q. What is that place, that room, that certain time of day in my own life? A. There are several places in my life that I can go to get away. For example, my car is that â€Å"place†for me. Other places such as the library, my bedroom, and the outdoors are all places that I can also use to â€Å"get away'.
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