Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Bureaucratic Leadership Style Winston Churchill
Bureaucratic leadership style has a long history. It’s been used in politics and in religions organisations around the world. The effectiveness of the style has seen a number of great leaders take advantage of the framework, with business leaders understanding the essential nature of the style. Who are some of the bureaucratic leaders you might want to look up to? Below are four examples of the benefits and the occasional downside of the leadership framework. Winston Churchill While the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, showed a number of different leadership qualities, bureaucratic leadership is definitely among the strongest models he used. Churchill had charisma, which he used during the Second World War, but he also relied on a heavily structured system to get things done. Churchill’s key bureaucratic leader traits were his decisive nature and persistency to follow the plan. Churchill was wary of both Stalin’s Soviet Russia and Hitler’s Nazi Germany right from the start. This wasn’t a popular assessment of the time and the British Government didn’t believe the stark images Churchill was painting about the future, but Churchill stuck to his decision-making and view of the two leaders. Eventually, as war began to tear Europe, Churchill was voted in and he created a decisive plan to defeat the enemy, no matter the cost. Furthermore, Churchill also showed plenty of persistency. In his famous speech, Churchill said, â€Å"Whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on theShow MoreRelatedFrom Mahatma Gandhi to Winston Churchill to Martin Luther King2352 Words  | 10 Pagesto Winston Churchill to Martin Luther King, there are as many leadership styles as there are leaders. Fortunately, businesspeople and psychologists have developed useful and simple ways to describe the main styles of leadership, and these can help aspiring leaders understand which styles they should use. 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