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News Media Free Essays
They are often misrepresented by editors in order to make them more appealing to the viewer. For example, take this Big Mac from McDonald’s. Here, advertisers have used a false portrayal of the real Big Mac to manipulate It’s viewers to want to the buy their product. We will write a custom essay sample on News Media or any similar topic only for you Order Now Similarly to advertises misleading us, so too does the media In their depiction of conveying real life Issues and events through the use of language features. Good morning/afternoon fellow classmates, today I am here to discuss the misrepresentations displayed in news articles. Recently, there has been a controversy between bikes and Campbell Newsman’s new anti-bike laws. In the articles titled This Brisbane man posted a menacing video warning the premier. Police say he’s done nothing wrong’ by Robin Ironsides, and ‘Senior police packing heat’ by Thomas Chamberlain and David Murray, both authors convey an unfair representation of the groups of bikes within society. These groups are often marginal’s and authors portray them negatively based upon stereotypes. Together, these articles demonstrate the Inaccurate representations of bless as minorities. The article Senior police packing heat’ published by the Courier Mall on the 1 lath of November (201 3), describes the Queensland Police battle against the belle legislation. Through closer examination, It Is clear that the authors, Thomas Chamberlain and David Murray have created a biased depiction of motorcycle groups though the utilization of language techniques such as evaluative language, repetition and actions. The headings of newspaper articles are considered to be one of the most important aspects of the text as it aims to engage and catch the reader’s attention. The title Senior police packing heat’ is a great example of an attention grabbing heading; however, it incorporates a negative connotation about motorcycle groups. The phrase â€Å"packing heat,†is quite alarming as it coincides with the Queensland Police Union’s action to take stand in preparation for their fight against the bless. Here, Chamberlain and Murray have stereotyped all forms of motorcycle gangs to perceive them as criminals, or Involved In criminal activity. As a result, the government has made legislations against the entire belle population to stop their true as motorcyclists in order to prevent violent and illegal acts. The authors have also used repetition and actions to clearly show Queensland bikes as an infamous group to reinforce to the reader about their destructive prominence in society. Through the actions of Commissioner Ian Stewart, Chamberlain and Murray have successfully showed the Queensland Police Unions considerations to â€Å"allow some district duty officers to carry RE . 223 carbines with telescopic sights in their vehicles. †â€Å"These are very, very high powered weapons and they need to be handled very, very ruefully. The repetition of â€Å"very,†emphasizes the dangers and threats posed to us by the bikes and outlines how much care â€Å"SENIOR police†should take. This showcases that the people Involved in motorcycle groups are considered to be criminals and or Involved In criminal actively as their behavior in society Is alleged to be Illegal. Similarly, the article entitled ‘This Brisbane man posted a menacing video warning the Premier. Police s ay he’s done nothing wrong’ Published by the to Premier Campbell Newman and his family. However, after deconstructing the article, it is clearly shown that investigators could not identify any signs of criminal offence behind the menacing video. Through the utilization of language features such as emotive language and intensifiers, Ironsides has portrayed the offender as a mysterious man alleged to be involved in criminal activities. This emotive language is depicted in the second stanza of the article. Ironsides states that the â€Å"Queensland Police Service confirmed investigators†that the man responsible was not persecuted of any illegal acts. This indicates that the man behind the online video criticizing the State Governments â€Å"anti-bike laws†has not been found to commit any signs of criminal offence. Despite this, the author has created an undesirable representation of motorcycle minorities through the use of intensifiers. She writes that the â€Å"masked man†involved in the online video criticized the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment. †This implies that although the man was not committed of any lawless offence, he was assumed to be a dangerous figure in society. Here, the author has represented this group of people in a negative manner through a careful election of deceptive techniques. To reinforce this statement, Ironsides has incorporated a visual element in her article that portrays the alleged offender to have committed the series of threats to Campbell Newman and his family. This picture displays the masked man giving an inappropriate gesture towards authority, therefore, reinforcing our negative perceptions of bike groups. Every day, journalists are entrusted with the task of delivering unbiased events and issues to the public. However, editors regularly bypass this expectation, and instead serpentine the story to what was actually being conveyed in order to manipulate readers to perceive something the way they want you to. This technique was used by Robin Ironsides in her article titled ‘This Brisbane man posted a menacing video warning the Premier. Police say he’s done nothing wrong,’ and Thomas Chamberlain and David Murray in their article ‘Senior police packing heat’. In these articles both authors have represented bike minorities in a bias and negative manner. They have portrayed all motorcyclists groups as criminals who are involved in illegal activities. How to cite News Media, Papers News Media Free Essays Rena Hermez RWS 100 Prof. Costello Nov. 29, 2009 News Media Media have tremendous power in setting cultural guidelines and in shaping political discourse. We will write a custom essay sample on News Media or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is essential that news media is challenged to be unbiased and truthful. Most many people find news whether on TV, newspaper, or magazines to be politically bias. Michael Parenti, the author of Inventing Reality, asserts that the news can be bias towards political issues by using the â€Å"Methods of Misrepresentation†(Parenti 53). This includes: â€Å"Framing and Labeling†, â€Å"Selectivity and Deliberate Omission†, â€Å"The Greying of Reality†, â€Å"Auxiliary Embellishments†, and â€Å"Placement†(Parenti). These methods are used to serve the private news conglomerates and our country interests instead of the public interests. Therefore, the news content became politically biased. Moreover, the past decade has seen more change in the craft of news media than perhaps any other. Since the news conglomerates took over local papers and stations, news became less relevant and more for entrainment. The more news is entertaining to its audience, the more money for the news conglomerates and the shareholders. Thus, news is not as important to the lives of audience as they once were. The issue of economy is very crucial topic in the U. S. However, many news networks misrepresents the public interest by placing the article in the most secluded pages in the newspaper. For instance, the article, â€Å"Economists question accuracy of picture from economic data†, by New York Times Service, in the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper, discusses how the government’s picture of the economic data has a wide gap from the reality. It also explains why the government miscalculated the data, and gave a brief explanation on how to calculate it correctly. Since this article rectifys the government, San Diego Union Tribune decided to publish it on page A6 with advertising Ads. This is an example of â€Å"Placement†because as important as this issue has been to the public, the San Diego Union Tribune published the story in a place that is hidden from the readers view. Most people would never see it if they were just glossing the pages. According Parenti â€Å"troublesome stories that are not suppressed, ignored [†¦ still can be buried in obscure places. Placement is often used for the greying of reality†(Parenti 58). Another method of misrepresentation that occurs often in the news media is omission. Omission occurs when important information is not reported or is reported incompletely. likewise, Parenti defines it as, â€Å" sometimes the unmentioned includes not just particular details of he s tory but the entire story itself- even ones about major events†(Parenti 54). An example of suppressed issue in the mainstream press is that of the former Vice President Dick Cheney’s speech on October 21, 2009. He gave an important speech about the Center for Security Policy, and it was not televised on any American news or network. Not even Fox News televised this speech. They have, however, posted the speech on their website. Perhaps this deliberate omission of this speech from the news networks occurred because the Bush Administration became less powerful since too many people lost trust in it. Thus, when this particle example was omitted, than we are getting a skewed or biased perspective from Fox News network. Since big conglomerates bought news networks, the definition of â€Å"news†have changed for the past few decades because the profit motives. Before, news was information that is of broad interest to the intended audience. Today, â€Å"news production distortions are of a more political nature and reveal a pattern of bias that favors the dominate class of interests and statist ideology†(Parenti 53). When the president of ABC news was asked â€Å"how has the standard for what qualifies is news has changed because of the pressure profit motives? He responds back by saying it has changed and broadened and not lowered†(News War). An example of â€Å"broaden†news is â€Å"Palin visits Florida town that feted her in 2008†on MSNBC website headline news. This news report made it to the headline not because the public is interested in where Sara Palin visit, but because news produces want more news to fill up the page and to make more profit. Now days, anything can be made news as long as there is a video and a story line that goes with it. Thus, the issue of profit motives serve big conglomerates interest and not the public nterest as it once was. News media definition have shifted from public interest news to profit motive news, from fair and truthful news to political bias and inaccurate news. We live in a time where newspapers are not sufficient anymore, internet and TV are easier to access and cost less. However, it is very difficult to supply enough news to fill a whole page of website and a whole hour of TV news. Thus, to make profit the internet and TV, big private conglomerates decided to soften the news content to occupy the extra time thats left from the real important news. News content became more politically biassed, more entertaining, and more profitable. News is being selectively â€Å"siding with those who have powers, position, and wealthy†(Parenti 54). By covering news, politics, weather, sports, entertainment, and vital events, the daily media shape the dominant cultural, social and political picture of our society, only, instead of the real important issues of the cultural, social, and political picture of our society. Works Cited New York Times Service. â€Å"Economists Question Accuracy of Picture from Economic Data. San Diego Union Tribune 9 Nov. 2009: A6. News War: What’s Happening to the News. Prods. Stephen Talbot and Lowell Bergman. Frontline. PBS. WGBH Educational Foundation, 2007. â€Å"Palin visits Florida town that feted her in 2008. †24 Nov. 2009. MSNBC. 24 Nov. 2009 . Parenti, Michael. Inventing Reality. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993. New York Times Service. â€Å"Economists Question Accuracy of Picture from Economic Data. †San Diego Union Tribune 9 Nov. 2009: A6. â€Å"RAW DATA: Dick Cheney’s Remarks to the Center for Security Policy. †21 Oct. 2009. FOX News. 24 Nov. 2009 . How to cite News Media, Papers
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